Affordable higher education in Germany

Get admitted to a university in Germany with our expert help in selecting the right university and programs, completing applications, and winning a scholarship

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6 reasons to study in Germany

German universities are among the top-100 best universities, according to the QS World University Rankings. German diplomas are highly recognized by employers all over the world

Applied education and modern programs. You can put your knowledge into practice while still studying

After graduation, foreign students have an orientation year during which they can stay in Germany for 1,5 years and look for a job there

Total immersion in the language environment – acquire and/or improve your German language skills

International students can work for up to 20 hours a week. The average wage is €15 per hour

Germany is known for its affordable but highly prestigious education. The cost of education starts at €300 per year

The most generous scholarship in Germany

DAAD Scholarship

The scholarship program, which includes studies at the master’s and postgraduate studies, as well as before training, there is the opportunity to take German language courses.

It includes:

  • Monthly stipend of €861
  • Student allowance
  • Medical insurance for the entire period of the scholarship
  • Travel expenses cover
  • Two-month intensive German courses
  • And other benefits.

Scholarship Information


Must apply for a DSU Scholarship every year and demonstrate good academic performance by earning the required number of credits


  • For all programs  – November, 15
  • DAAD ERP for programs Economics – November, 30
  • For programs in Architecture – September, 30
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Study in Germany in 2023

We guarantee you that you will get into a university in Germany. If you are not successful this year, we will help you re-apply in the next intake for free.

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Univibes is an international community of study-abroad advisors

Our advisors are graduates of top universities in Europe and Asia and know everything about university admissions. They work collaboratively with every client to develop a winning application strategy.

Select for you the best 10 programs and scholarships

We evaluate your profile and select programs and scholarships custom-tailored to your interests, qualifications, goals, budget, and any other criteria you set

Help you prepare supporting documents

We ensure your supporting documents are prepared correctly and all application forms are filled in properly

Refine your motivational letters

We help you brainstorm, edit, and refine your motivational letter in a way that highlights your strengths and shows you in the best possible light

Guide and consult you throughout all the way

We support and navigate you throughout the whole application process. You are never alone on your path to your dream university!

Checklist. Do I need help from Univibes?

Yes, if you agree with at least one from the following statements

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I want to start my own business or work at a world-known company

I just finished high school/university and want to continue my studies abroad

I want to move to another country and become a citizen of the world

I want to study abroad in 2023-24

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Three steps towards your dream university in Germany

We match you with an educational advisor with relevant experience

An advisor analyzes your profile and select the 10 best-fitting programs and scholarships in the country of your interest

You choose 5 programs and up to 3 scholarships that you’re most interested in

Your advisor helps you prepare supporting documents, gives you valuable recommendations, and answer your questions

We submit applications together with you

You get offers from universities, choose the best out of them, and apply for a student visa

Choose a service

Scholarship Application

This service is for those who want apply for big scholarships such as Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Chevening, Fulbright, GKS, Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals, MEXT, and Bayhost.

1,200 $


300 $ *

Program List

– Targeted selection of universities and scholarships
– Evaluation of your chance
– Recommendations on the application strategy
– Consultation with an academic advisor

350 $


87,50 $ *

Full Support

This service includes a guarantee. If a client doesn’t get accepted into a university, we will help re-apply next year and won’t charge for the service. The duration of this service varies due to possible unforeseen circumstances.

2,500 $


625 $ *

*instalment payment plan is available

TOP-5 scholarships for international students

There are around 40 scholarships and grants in our database.
We select for each client the best-fitting scholarship programs taking into consideration the country and area of studies of their interest, their GPA, age, work experience, any other achievements

DAAD Scholarship
DAAD Scholarship

Monthly payment of €861, travel costs, health insurance

BMW Speed up
BMW Speed up

€720 per month

Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus

Tuition fees, health insurance, visa and travel costs + monthly scholarship of €1000 per month

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

€ 850 per month

Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg

€ 850 per month

Work with our advisors on your application strategy

110 advisors in Europe, America, and Asia



Area of study: Business Administration, Economics

Level of study: Master’s, PhD, Bachelor’s

Stephania (she/her) is studying International Business at Vienna State University. She also has experience applying to German universities, and got offers from all universities. Stephania speaks German at C1-level and has extensive experience in teaching.



Area of study: Sociology, Economics, Marketing, Finance

Level of study: Bachelor’s, Foundation

Dameli (she/her) graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Politics from an Italian university. Currently, she is a Master’s student in Rimes and a recipient of a full scholarship. Also has two years of experience in helping students apply to universities in the USA, multiple European countries, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Dameli also got offers from St. John’s University and New York Universit (USA), LUISS (Italy), and Hong Kong University.

They did! And you can!

These invitations were received by our clients.

Jeanne | Europe
Ilya | Canada
Ravan | Europe
Sofia | Europe


Italy, Master’s programme

The client contacted us in April 2021. Applications to universities were submitted in May, and offers were received in mid-July.

Jeanne graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in Moscow with honors. The client confirmed her knowledge of English at the B2 level with IELTS 5.5 certificate.

Gain admission in Europe for a journalism, public relations or related in English-language program.


What was done

The student was offered to apply to Italy, where there is an opportunity to receive a regional scholarship with full or partial coverage. English-language programs were selected and packages of documents were submitted to 5 universities.


A student entered the Università degli studi di Milano for the Public and Corporate Communication program with a DSU scholarship in the amount of 2113 €.

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Canada, Master’s programme

The client contacted us at the end of November last year, and received an offer at the end of January. The beginning of training in the fall of this year.

Incomplete bachelor’s degree, average score 4. Level of English C1-C2. He did not take part in volunteer programs, but participated with the team in various web / mobile hackathons. Winner of the hackathon in the Business Lab Platform case. Currently developing his own startup. Previously, he did not study abroad.

The purpose of education is immigration, studying at a master’s business program in Canada.

What was done

The student chose the Full Support service, which means that the expert advisor selected the most suitable programs, helped to collect documents, write motivation letters, and apply to universities.


The student received an offer to study at Fanshawe college under the Business program in London, Ontario.

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Austria, bachelor’s program

The client contacted us in early March 2021. University applications were submitted in late March, and the first offer was received as early as April.

Ravan was about to graduate from high school.
— GPA 4.5;
— C1 level in English;
— IELTS 7.0.”

Novruzlu had the following goals:
— to study in Austria or the Netherlands;
— to study in English, and it was a key factor in choosing a study program;
— to study Business Administration or Business Management.

What was done


The client got an offer from the University of Klagenfurt for a bachelor’s program in International Business & Economics. The program duration is 6 semesters, and the tuition fee is € 1453,44 per year.

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Germany, Master’s programme

The client contacted us in early April to get support in applying to universities in Europe and received her first offer already in June.

Sofia got her bachelor’s degree in Logistics & Supply Management and had 1,5 years of work experience.
— GPA 7.83;
— B2 level in English;
— A2 level in German;
— IELTS 6.5.
— participated in the exchange program in Germany.

Sofia had the following goals:
— to study in a 1-year master’s program in a field similar to Logistics at a top university;
— to move to Germany and live there permanently.

What was done

The client initially considered applying to several countries — Germany, Italy, and France. Our advisor gave her recommendations on what country would suit her future aspirations best and made a selection of 1-year English-taught study programs within the field of her interest at top universities. The advisor also helped prepare all documents and submit them on time.


The client received 2 offers from German universities and chose to study at the University of Dresden.

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